
Working with universities to craft rich & meaningful experiences for their sober student populations.

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My thesis project began with a reflection on how sobriety affected my experience in a traditional college setting; the tension between a personal commitment to sobriety and the ubiquity of alcohol drove me to imagine what alternative experiences could look like. Through recipe cards that encourage ritual-building and reflection, Mocksie builds a new set of traditions for any student seeking connection, meaning, and contentment.

Illustrating Vibrancy

Central to my project was the idea that sobriety doesn't have to feel bland, medical, or subtle. Each beverage illustration uses texture and color to feel rich and exciting.

Leveraging Research

As my Senior Capstone Project, Mocksie is the culmination of months of research, ideating, drafting, and restarting. Still in progress is my process book, detailing this journey.

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